Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In Search of God

Tis possible to find God i gather
If it is possible to find that line, so fine,
That last drop of water
Where the river retains its sweet identity
Before giving in to the sea

Monday, August 29, 2005

Adam & Eve – Part 2- Oh Why Oh Why Oh Why

Having been subjected to convent school education for 14 years of my life I had ample time to observe, assimilate, act out and experience many forms of female ploys used to manipulate situations to their benefits. I am not trying to be rude to my sex, but my precious childhood and adolescence were not the happiest times of my life till date.

As mentioned before in an introduction about myself, I always felt better observing all the high drama from an emotionally safe distance, rather than – God Forbid- getting involved in any.
Men think they don’t understand women...Hell we don’t understand that much about ourselves either. One never knows how one of my kind is going to react. Never. Lets say it out loud .NEVER!

Back then I was considered to be a part of the intelligent crème – (just a perception mind you, could be false) - though i was a tad bit more dreamy than was fashionable. Not that I ever ranked first in my class, or even the second or third. Study-wise I was always an average student. So why was I considered intelligent. Here’s why:

1)Didn’t talk much until I was spoken to
2)Stared intently at whoever was conversing ..letting them be aware that someone was actually listening to them
3)Copied Redford and practiced the art of projecting calmness
4)Could write a poem on every girl in class
5)Knew Astrology ( supposedly)
6)Read a lot of books, legend goes that Michael had read the Kamasutra, by age 15! WOW!
7)And last but not the least, was the only girl in class who didn’t have a boyfriend – ergo could give a impartial, clear third party view on their situations -the perfect advisor, read spinsterish agony aunt.

Lets for the time being consider the previous seven points as Some Myths about Michael. Here are the Facts:

1)I could talk a bark off a tree when and only when the subject appealed to me. Thankfully there weren’t many. But most of the time I shut up coz I didn’t know what some people were on about (Hehe just remembered Joey’s expression from one of the seasons of Friends..hell he wore that look many times in all of the seasons)
2)No body could believe that I had perfected the art of sleeping with my eyes open, while standing and nodding my head and muttering the right words when required. This fine art came in use when girls would take to their minds that I love hearing repeats and re-repeats of the virtues of their boyfriends. Some would have you believe they were dating Gods! Sweet Zeus!
3)Projecting supposed calmness….well one can’t project real emotions (read rage, and irritation) when one happens to be thinner and shorter than most of the girls in the class. I never claimed to be brave!
4)Well that is there, but I could write 25 different paragraphs on the same subject. Content being the same but just that the sentences were readjusted and well things always sound different when its being said about you…moreover..some women just didn’t know when they were being insulted.
5)Read about it – Astrology, i.e., - knew zilch and often told people just the things they wanted to hear.
6)Books were to me what spikes are to porcupines and farts are to foxes – The ultimate defense mechanisms
7)Didn’t have a boyfriend, well there were many reasons for that. First was that I thought boys are pretentious. They had to be pretending, coz nobody could actually be that dumb. Then at some point I saw through some of that dumb façade and by the time I was 16 my guts walked out on me.

Silent and quite and intellectual – my foot!! both my feet and my head rather – I passed through my adolescence with that pretense, coz letting people talk more and telling them exactly what they wanted to hear was better than being called clueless.

Things that were done with a preceding comment like “This is the way men like it” “This is the way they value you” were to me quite astounding.
For instance, after seeing a movie one evening a girlfriend and I came out of the hall and me being me, started looking around for an auto that would ferry us back home. After a while I felt my friend tap me on the shoulder saying “Paagal hai kya (are u out of your mind), to spend your money on Auto, I have called my boyfriend, he can make himself useful by driving us back home”. While I stood there betting all of my meager property that he wouldn’t come, and subjecting a firm lecture of gross human rights violation to my -by now -very bemused friend – He came there. He came to pick us up…with a silly grin on his face as if he was there to collect some shipment of gold. And they say they can’t understand women..damned if I understood what in the name of Hephaestus he was about!!

But she might have had a point there you know..coz she has never been kept waiting more than once..all the guys truly believed that upsetting her ‘ Once Was Enough’!..kyonki woh ghaas nahi deti while I have been kept waiting more often than most times..coz I give away a lot of grass I believe!..hhhmmm

Girls would go around with boys they couldn’t stand so that other girls don’t think less of them. Guys would do the same, just that they made sure that the girl was sought after by a host of other boys.

What all this boils down to probably is just the overwhelming need for acceptance - for both the sexes. They just want to be accepted as one of the crowd. The sense of standing out was as terrifying as the knowledge of being Jew in Germany during the Nazi regime.

Good news is that, with time and experience, Individuality does kick in - for some, and let us kneel and say a prayer of thanks to that!
Though it’s not always good news coz some of the time..most of the time rather… the individualistic, independent type, who keep a mind of their own, turn gay on you, while most of the straight crowd just grows taller.

Where is the justice in all of this I wonder!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Adam & Eve -Part 1- Father Figure

I have very fond memories of my father taking me to school or rather the bus stop. He continued doing that till i was 14yrs old. After that for a long time he would just stand at the apartment gate and watch us walk towards the bus stand and leave once he knew we had reached there safely enough. Trying desperately not to step on our (my sister's and my) independent toes, but making sure we were protected and safe. He was and still is my hero. But as a tiny tot my dad was beyond a hero, he was God to me. He could do no wrong and loved us unconditionally. He still remains the only man i can kill and get killed for.

I always wanted a man like him when i was young..well right now it seems as if i got my wish, only now i don't know whether i asked for the right thing. I didn't want a substitute father in my lover.
Usually i believe the comment goes like " i like him but i don't love him"...in my case going against the flow as is usual, I’d say " i love the man i am with right now, but i don't necessarily like him all that much" to elucidate further on that i'd say that in a situation if his life can be saved only by sacrificing mine, i'd do that happily.

Suffice to say I can die for him, living with him though seems slightly tougher as a prospect.

Remember I told you about how my dad used to leave me to school, fast-forward to the present, my man picks me up from my apartment and leaves me to office everyday. Every time he does that, I get a distinct sense of déjà vu.
That Man is everything I hoped for as a caring partner, takes me to office, earlier on when we used to go out to our friends place, he’d make sure I was fed well, had company, would be by my side if I get lonely, carry me when my feet were aching – teasing me -(in that oh so sexy voice of his)- for wearing impossibly high heels while doing that, and cook for me. He’s a dream come true for all womankind. One would wonder what more does this girl want – a Taj Mahal built in her name?.

Don’t get me wrong, I have never wanted a guy to call me up 10 times a day with declarations of ‘I Love Yous’ or a 100 red roses at my doorstep or anything that dramatic. My only regret is that this man does all the unbelievably sweet things he does with a sense of responsibility towards a young ward. Never have I seen him look at me in the manner a man looks at a woman . Every look, touch, and action is distinctly paternal or worse fraternal, and I don’t know what to do about it. It almost seems that in his mind he has never thought of me as a woman. I’m a little girl. In his words ‘nice, pretty and cute’. Somebody please shoot him.

Its right when they say..be careful what you wish for…u just might get it!

The Horse Whisperer

Aaaarrrggghh!!! i just wrote this long long piece on Robert Redford and my internet gave up on me. Jesus i can't believe i lost all that. Anyway..i'm determined to get that piece of work on my blog today ..so here we go again!!
Had a convo yesterday with another blogger - Codey. Started out about men and their horses...from where my ever fickle imagination flipped through the images stored in my subconsious mind regarding that magnificent animal... all the paintings of St.George/Prithvi Raj Chauhan/ Jhansi ki Rani on their favorite steeds ..flip to the photographs of Marwari horses on my ex- trainer's workstation. They moonwalk by the way - Marwari horses..and they are the only kind that can do that..and the tips of their ears touch...beautiful, arrogant beasts...alrite...from there my mind hopped on to moving images, motion picture as we know it. The only film that came to mind The Horse Whisperer...yeah wonder why not Seabiscuit or Black Beauty. Just that the image of this horse running through the winter meadows with the pre-dawnish moonlight falling on its graceful shape...WOW....from there with some help from that dear blogger..it hopped, leaped and jumped- very enthusiastically i mite add- to Robert Redford...and then it kinda just settled on him...on him..on him..god that sounds good.
SO now that it settled on whom i consider to be one of the most beautiful men on earth..beautiful as in a piece of art, that blog convo reminded me of one of his biggest assets as a director. i'll quote myself here " he's got a way of using utter silence ad stillness as sort of a backdrop and the smallest movement or sound just thrills the helll out of the viewer"..thats the reason he gets to me like no one else. As Codey the other redford fanatic says "Grace, charm, sensitivity, can't stop going on and on about the man, his flesh is literally dropping off his jaw bone, but there are not many men alive on earth who can still compare with him" True....the last dance which is my favorite scene as well, reminded me a lot of 'The Bridges of Madison County'..i'll write another book on that someday..somehow i feel Redford would have made a better Robert Kincaid than Clint Eastwood. Just to take that dinner scene from the Horse Whisperer, where he's playing around with the woman's dress..can't remember whether he was trying to undo it or do it up...i tranced out for those couple of seconds.
Redford though will be remembered by me not so much as a gifted artist but an unforgettable man..no body can fake the body language he has..not even he himself. The kind of stillness that surrounds him seems like a calm facade. Calm and comfort that is to be given away..but not to be found in himself..he seems to be forever searching for something....arousing a supplement emotion of acceptance and hope, in every person he meets or is seen by, that probably he'll find that something in them, probably then, they'll find themselves - in him.Sigh!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

I am a Samurai

You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.

Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile

Check out this cool site and find out what kind of a killer are you:


Friday, August 05, 2005

Death By Chocolate

Rothe hue ..aate hai sab
hasta hua jo jaaye....

If i could choose ...this is the way i would like to go


- our reliance on tomorrow

Joy & Contentment

Joy - Moist air teasing the skin of a lotus leaf
Contentment - A water puddle in the hollow of that leaf

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Pathos ruled my August Mistress

Pathos ruled my August Mistress
And I could but stand by and watch
Watch her fight with contentment
Watch her war with normalcy
And could do nothing to help
Coz I was part of what was normal too
Something she had as a life
Something she didn’t desire

For she longed to be a tormented sea
Against the calm lazy lake that
Didn’t know her own depth
She longed to be the foolish moth
To shimmer out to a dramatic death
Even to an unworthy cause

Her greatest fear, was her reality
Where, going against the flow
She dreamed and longed not for peace
But pain, to an extent that was not quite sane
It took me a long while to understand
The anguish she longed for, she quixotically thought
Would make her feel, the real emotions
Of love, pleasure, rage, and the lot

And as she fell into another night of restless sleep
I prayed a silent prayer of hope
That she didn’t get what she asks for
For the man with whom she was lying
Had seen the beauty of silver flashes across the angry sky
Had felt the numbing pain of being touched by the same
Had stood at a shore and yelled ecstatically at the oncoming tornado
Had been caught in that breathless circle of non-life too
I prayed that she didn’t get what she asked for
I prayed too, for the death of her soul
To be of restlessness rather than the nothingness
That engulfs when feeling breaks the bonds of one’s universe

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Alone and Loving it!!

Alone in a closed room
with just a hint of sunbeam pouring thru
and the shadows flit around the room
playing with you

Monday, August 01, 2005

Profound Thoughts

Had a very interesting, seemingly nonsensical conversation with a friend recently. Like a perfectly normal, Italian dinner table conversation everybody involved was talking to everyone on what was on their mind. It didn't matter that the profound questions asked were getting equally profound but unrelated answers. In such a situation, my friend was talking to me about the kind of car he wanted to buy and I was talking about importance of individuality and identity....yeah i know..totally unrelated..but that's the way it usually is. While going on about my thoughts on the subject of individuality, and standing out in the crowd and all that jazz....my friend replied...

" Sticking out in the crowd and all is fine girl, but when you buy a car it would be better if you buy the one everyone else has....its easier to get spares"

Did that make sense to anyone else but me???