Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Horse Whisperer

Aaaarrrggghh!!! i just wrote this long long piece on Robert Redford and my internet gave up on me. Jesus i can't believe i lost all that. Anyway..i'm determined to get that piece of work on my blog today here we go again!!
Had a convo yesterday with another blogger - Codey. Started out about men and their horses...from where my ever fickle imagination flipped through the images stored in my subconsious mind regarding that magnificent animal... all the paintings of St.George/Prithvi Raj Chauhan/ Jhansi ki Rani on their favorite steeds ..flip to the photographs of Marwari horses on my ex- trainer's workstation. They moonwalk by the way - Marwari horses..and they are the only kind that can do that..and the tips of their ears touch...beautiful, arrogant beasts...alrite...from there my mind hopped on to moving images, motion picture as we know it. The only film that came to mind The Horse Whisperer...yeah wonder why not Seabiscuit or Black Beauty. Just that the image of this horse running through the winter meadows with the pre-dawnish moonlight falling on its graceful shape...WOW....from there with some help from that dear hopped, leaped and jumped- very enthusiastically i mite add- to Robert Redford...and then it kinda just settled on him...on him..on him..god that sounds good.
SO now that it settled on whom i consider to be one of the most beautiful men on earth..beautiful as in a piece of art, that blog convo reminded me of one of his biggest assets as a director. i'll quote myself here " he's got a way of using utter silence ad stillness as sort of a backdrop and the smallest movement or sound just thrills the helll out of the viewer"..thats the reason he gets to me like no one else. As Codey the other redford fanatic says "Grace, charm, sensitivity, can't stop going on and on about the man, his flesh is literally dropping off his jaw bone, but there are not many men alive on earth who can still compare with him" True....the last dance which is my favorite scene as well, reminded me a lot of 'The Bridges of Madison County'..i'll write another book on that someday..somehow i feel Redford would have made a better Robert Kincaid than Clint Eastwood. Just to take that dinner scene from the Horse Whisperer, where he's playing around with the woman's dress..can't remember whether he was trying to undo it or do it up...i tranced out for those couple of seconds.
Redford though will be remembered by me not so much as a gifted artist but an unforgettable body can fake the body language he has..not even he himself. The kind of stillness that surrounds him seems like a calm facade. Calm and comfort that is to be given away..but not to be found in himself..he seems to be forever searching for something....arousing a supplement emotion of acceptance and hope, in every person he meets or is seen by, that probably he'll find that something in them, probably then, they'll find themselves - in him.Sigh!!


Blogger shyam said...

For a second I thought the ex-trainer you were referring to was the horse one. Then the workstation bit kicked in. heh.

3:44 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

never been on a horse..don't want to be unless its a marwari ...they are as different from other colts as ferrari is from a padmini fiat

4:00 AM  
Blogger shyam said...

bhagwaan.. what a combo.. automobile and horses..

4:56 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

yeah..a proverbial dream come true for

8:40 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

or i suppose..i .well..what the hell

8:41 PM  
Blogger shyam said...

age ain't nuthing but a number, huh?

5:42 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Codey - Well! not if you're perspective of it is centered on a person of the opposite sex

9:00 PM  

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